Utrecht University            

December 19, 2024

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Dr. Rob van Gerwen

Beleving op televisie. Over verneder-tv.

VRIJETIJDSSTUDIES.1997, 15:2, 40-51

Summary (Dutch)

In cinema cutting and montage are used to convey a film's narrative and to have the audience empathize with what experiential dimensions are at stake in the lives of protagonists. On television montage is lacking. Here the experiential dimension is ceded to its photographic reproduction. This has led to what I call 'verneder-tv', humiliation-television. Samples of this are certain talk-shows, and reality-tv. The popularity of these broadcasts is proportionate to the measure in which the `man on the street' has himself be humiliated. This humiliation thrives on the absence of sincerity in the audience's empathy consequent upon the specific characteristics of television analyzed here.