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Rob van Gerwen

January 17, 2023


Rob van Gerwen: Zullen we contact houden. Hoe we de geest uit ons wereldbeeld verwijderen
Rob van Gerwen: Moderne filosofen over kunst
  • Richard Wollheim on the Art of Painting. Art as Representation and Expression, (ed.). 285 pp. Cambridge University Press, ®, 2001.

  • Articles

  • `Mathematical Beauty and Perceptual Presence' Philosophical Investigations, 34:3, 2011, pp. 249-267. ® DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9205.2010.01432.x
  • 'Hearing Musicians Making Music. A Critique of Roger Scruton's notion of `Acousmatic Experience'' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 70:1 Spring 2012, pp. 223-230. ®
  • 'Ethical Autonomism. The Work of Art as a Moral Agent.' Contemporary Aesthetics, Vol. 2, 2004. ®
  • 'On Exemplary Art as the Symbol of Morality. Making Sense of Kant's Ideal of Beauty.' In: Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung. Akten des IX. Kant Kongresses, Bd. 3, 553-62, Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2001. (115K) ®
  • 'Television as an Art. On Humiliation-TV.' Ruth Lorand (ed.) Television: Aesthetic Reflections. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2002, 161-80. (Abstract) (262K) ®
  • 'De ontologische drogreden in de analytische esthetica' Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 94, 2002:2, 109-123. (152K) ®
  • Books
  1. Denken in het donker met Claire Denis — Rob van Gerwen (red.). Leusden: ISVW uitgevers [In Press, 2024].
  2. Denken in het donker met Andrej Tarkovski — Rob van Gerwen (red.). Leusden: ISVW uitgevers, oktober 2022.
  3. Zullen we contact houden. Hoe we de geest uit ons wereldbeeld verwijderen. Utrecht: Klement, 2018. 239 pagina's, ISBN: 978 90 8687 192 6.
  4. Moderne filosofen over kunst. Zoetermeer: Klement, 2016 (2e druk 2017). 408 pagina's, ISBN: 978 90 8687 178 0. (Materialen bij de eerste druk)
  5. Muziek ervaren. Essays over muziek en filosofie, Rob van Gerwen, Marlies De Munck and Oane Reitsma (eds.). Budel: Damon, 2014.
  6. Kleine overpeinzingen. Kunst kijken in het museum. Centraal Museum Utrecht, 2003 (418 pp. with 29 colour reproductions), ISBN: 90 73285 933
  7. Richard Wollheim on the Art of Painting. Art as Representation and Expression, (ed.). 285 pp. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  8. Art and Experience. Dissertation. Quaestiones Infinitae, vol. XIV. Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, U.U. 1996, 221 pp. Promotie: 10-10-96, cum laude. Promotor: Prof. dr. W.L. van Reijen, fac. Wijsbegeerte, U.U. Co-Promotor: P. Crowther, Ph.D., Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
  9. Kennis in schoonheid. Een inleiding in de moderne esthetica. Amsterdam, Meppel, 1992: Boom. 255 pp.

More publications, including downloads.

Research interests

1. Aesthetics and ethics 2. Philosophy of Art
The intersections The arts / Internet
Moral Judgement and Autonomous Art Expression / Representation / Style
Phenomenology of Perception Film / Photography
Moral Psychology Artistic Empathy
Immoral Art Definition of 'Art'
3. Philosophy of Psychology 4. History of Aesthetics
Perception / Memory / Dementia David Hume / A.G. Baumgarten
Expression / Emotion / Autism Immanuel Kant / G.W.F. Hegel
Empathy / Imagination Ludwig Wittgenstein
Extended Mind / Enactivism Richard Wollheim
5. Methodology
Conceptual Analysis
Philosophical Grammar

Editor of Aesthetic Investigations (retired)

Aesthetic Investigations, Journal published on behalf of the Dutch Association of Aesthetics. Peer reviewed Open Access, starting January 2015.

Web-editor of

ASA, The American Society for Aesthetics, since 2015.

NGE/DAA, Nederlands Genootschap voor Esthetica (Dutch Association of Aesthetics), since 1997. (Past president), retired 2024.

Paper presentations

Further details in my bibliography.


Society Memberships

Peer Reviewer for

Editorial and administrative work for

Director of


Office location

  • Janskerkhof 13A, room 1.04, Utrecht

Postal Address

  • Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies
  • 3512 BL Utrecht
  • The Netherlands
  • Telephone: +31 (0)30 - 253 3203
  • Fax: +31 (0)30 - 253 2816
