Institutional Embeddedness

The HSFL research group is funded from Utrecht University’s High Potentials Programme. As such, it functions under the direct auspices of the rector magnificus (i.e. vice-chancellor). Given its interdisciplinary character, the group straddles two departments of the Faculty of Humanities: the Department of Theology and that of Philosophy.

The three researchers from the former (section Biblical Studies: A. Merz, M. Ruf, N. Frank) also participate in INTEGON (Research Institute for Theology and Religious Studies) and Noster (The Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion). Those in the Dept. of Philosophy (section History of Philosophy: T. Tieleman, I. Conradie, A. Ntinti) also participate in ZENO, the joint research institute of the Utrecht and Leiden philosophy departments, as well as in OIKOS (the National Research School in Classical Studies in the Netherlands).

Webmaster   05 / 03 / 2007