-Substructural logics
-Linear logic
-Type-logical grammars
The information flow in natural language syntax and semantics establishes dependency patterns that go beyond the expressivity of context-free grammars. Examples in syntax are discontinuous dependencies as in long-distance displacement or cross-serial constructions. In semantics, scope construal often appears to be out of sync with syntactic composition.

In the tradition of extended rewriting systems, a family of grammar formalisms has emerged that deals with such patterns in a graceful way. These so-called 'mildly context-sensitive' formalisms combine controlled expressivity beyond CF with pleasant computational properties (polynomial parsability). In that sense, they throw an interesting light on the computational limitations of the human language processing device.

The thesis of this course is that we can gain a deeper understanding of these limitations by modeling grammars as substructural logics. In a substructural logic, assumptions take the form of finite material resources that are effectively 'used up' in the process of reasoning. We compare two recent resource-logical developments that address the balance between expressivity and complexity. In the box some useful entries from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy to situate the course in a wider context.