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Rob van Gerwen

May 21, 2016

Index Supervenience Agency Lanzmann's ban Propaganda Cave Gaze
Grammar Memory Schopenhauer Art practice Music Art's Morale Issues

Philosophical Directions
The effort of understanding

The good, the bad and Schopenhauer

Abstract of the argument on this page

Schopenhauer's influence in philosophy: a good or a bad thing?

One thing that counts in Schopenhauer's favour is his ability, equalled by few aesthetical theories, to account for the idea that part of a beholder's satisfaction with a work of art is in the opportunity it provides them to flee from the everyday.

There is more on Schopenhauer, here, but it is in Dutch: Schopenhauer on Ideas in art and Schopenhauer on happiness; Schopenhauer and Adorno on individuality.

