Joel Anderson
Joel Anderson
last updated August 18, 2013
I am a researcher-lecturer (universitair docent-onderzoeker) in the Practical Philosophy group of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Universiteit Utrecht in the Netherlands.
I specialize in moral psychology and social theory, and especially on issues of autonomy, agency, and normativity.
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Visitors’ address: Janskerkhof 13a (#104)
3512 BL Utrecht
+31-(0)30-253-2874 /-1831
Fax: -2816)
Postal: P.O Box 80126 * 3508 TC Utrecht
•Personal autonomy, scaffolded autonomy, and the extended will
•Autonomy gaps and the demands of modernization and/or liberalization (book project)
•Citizenship, political competence, and emerging online “voting advice applications” (NWO-sponsored)
•Politics of human irrationality and alternatives to “nudge paternalism”
•Disability, human rights to enablement, assistive technology, and enhancement
•Free will, neuroethics, and critiques of free will scepticism
•Critical social theory, theoris of recognition, discourse ethics (Habermas, Honneth, and more)