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Course: Modeltheoretic Semantics and the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Eddy Ruys and Yoad Winter

Lecture 2:
Types and Model Structure

Topics: types, domains, characteristic functions, function application, the category to type matching
In the first lecture we have talked rather sloppily about models and various sets, functions and truth-values they contain. In this lecture we will go somewhat deeper into the structure of the model: what objects are there in the model, how can we describe them, and does this give us more insight into the relations between syntax and semantics?

As we have said, natural language expressions are taken to denote objects in the model. However, different expressions denote different kinds of things. For instance, we let Tina denote a member of the set of entities E, whereas tall denotes a subset of E and a sentence like Tina is tall denotes a truth value. We would like to have a systematic way to describe these distinctions. For this reason we divide the model into different domains, where each domain has a type: a label describing its internal structure. The three expressions mentioned above denote members of domains with different types.

The simplest types and the simplest domains are the primitive ones. There are two primitive types, each with its corresponding domain. One primitive type is called e (for entities) and its corresponding domain is the non-empty set of entities E, which we from now on denote by tex2html_wrap_inline385 (the e Domain). The other primitive type is called t (for truth-values) and its corresponding domain is the set tex2html_wrap_inline395. The proper name Tina takes its denotation from the tex2html_wrap_inline385 domain. In short, we say that proper names are of type e. A sentence like Tina is tall denotes a truth value in tex2html_wrap_inline401.

All the non-primitive types are recursively defined on top of these two primitive types. To see how, let us start with an example. We have said that predicates like tall denote subsets of tex2html_wrap_inline385. For instance, consider a model where the set of entities tex2html_wrap_inline385 is tex2html_wrap_inline407. Let us indicate that only Tina and John are tall in this model. We can do that by letting tall refer to the set tex2html_wrap_inline409, a subset of tex2html_wrap_inline385. Alternatively, we can say the same thing in a slightly different way: let tall, instead of denoting the set T, denote a corresponding function tex2html_wrap_inline415 from entities to truth-values, i.e. from tex2html_wrap_inline385 to tex2html_wrap_inline401. For each member of the set of entities, tex2html_wrap_inline415 assigns it true if it is in T and false if it is not in T. Thus, we have:

tex2html_wrap_inline415 is called the characteristic function of the set tex2html_wrap_inline431. For every element x of tex2html_wrap_inline385, the truth value tex2html_wrap_inline437 indicates whether x is in T or not. In general, we may view the denotation of a predicate like tall either as a subset of the set of entities or as the characteristic function of such a set. We can move freely back and forth between these two perspectives, as they encode precisely the same information concerning which entities are tall. For the sake of the discussion in this lecture let us adopt the latter, functional perspective on predicates. The advantages of this step will become clear as we go along.

We obviously want predicates like tall to be able to denote any subset of tex2html_wrap_inline385, or, as we now say, any function from tex2html_wrap_inline385 to tex2html_wrap_inline401. Thus, we want the domain from which tall takes its denotation to be the set of all functions from tex2html_wrap_inline385 to tex2html_wrap_inline401. In set theory this set of functions is denoted by tex2html_wrap_inline453. This domain will be of type (et), for which we will often use the notation et as an abbreviation, erasing parentheses whenever this does not cause confusion.gif Here are the eight members in tex2html_wrap_inline461 for the tripleton domain tex2html_wrap_inline385 we are dealing with:

In this way, a subset of tex2html_wrap_inline385 is described by a function in tex2html_wrap_inline461, which must correspond to one of the rows in this array. The predicate tall can denote any of these eight functions when the set of entities tex2html_wrap_inline385 is the one specified. For instance, the function tex2html_wrap_inline415 above is function tex2html_wrap_inline475 in this array.

To summarize, a proper name like Tina denotes an element of tex2html_wrap_inline385, a sentence denotes an element of tex2html_wrap_inline401 and a predicate like tall denotes a function from the first domain to the latter, i.e.\ an element of tex2html_wrap_inline461. Of course, when we consider more expressions, we are likely to need more types than these ones. How do we define them?

What we obviously want is a general strategy for defining types. The tall example has illustrated the way to do that: we defined a new type, et, and its corresponding domain on the basis of the given types e and t and their domains. Generally, if we are given the types tex2html_wrap_inline489 and tex2html_wrap_inline491 and their corresponding domains tex2html_wrap_inline493 and tex2html_wrap_inline495, we can define the new type tex2html_wrap_inline497 of a domain tex2html_wrap_inline499 that consists of all the functions from tex2html_wrap_inline493 to tex2html_wrap_inline495. In this way we can go on and use the new type and domain we get to create more new types and domains. For instance, we can use et and e to create the type (et)e and its domain tex2html_wrap_inline511 of all functions from tex2html_wrap_inline461 to tex2html_wrap_inline385. There are infinitely many types we can define using this inductive procedure. This is precisely what we do now, using the following two definitions.

These two simple definitions summarize all we have discussed above. A modelgif is the infinite collection of all typed domains. Note that the primitive domain tex2html_wrap_inline401 is given, so in order to determine a model, all we need to do is to determine the other primitive domain: tex2html_wrap_inline385. After we have done this, all the compound domains are inductively fixed by definitions 1 and 2.

Working with functions in this way as the building blocks of compound domains gives us an easy way to describe what is going on compositionally in analyzing a sentence. Consider a maximally simple sentence like Tina smiles. The sentence denotes a truth value simply because the subject denotes an entity of type e and the predicate denotes a function of type et: from e entities to truth-values. Once this function applies to the subject denotation we get a truth value. This operation of function application is crucial: it is the main operation that ``glues'' denotations together into new denotations. Let us exemplify the notation we use in more detail for the simple sentence Tina smiles:

Note how easy it is to know from two types if function application is allowed between objects in the corresponding domains. When function application is allowed also the outcome type is obvious. For instance:

In general, thus, function application gives us from two denotations of types tex2html_wrap_inline497 (the function type) and tex2html_wrap_inline489 (the argument type) a new denotation of type tex2html_wrap_inline491: the result of applying the function to the argument.

The postulation of function application also facilitates the typing (=the determination of the type) of different expressions. For instance, consider the auxiliary verb is in the sentence Tina is tall. We have decided to let Tina get the type e and tall get the type et. The constituent is tall has to denote a function that applies to tex2html_wrap_inline551 and derives a truth-value. Hence, it must be, like tall, of type et. To get this, the denotation of is will be a function of type (et)(et): when it applies to an et object like tex2html_wrap_inline601 it will give us an et object. In fact, is will denote the identity function on predicates: the function that for each et predicate assigns the same predicate itself. Thus, the denotation of is tall is the same as the denotation of tall.

These typing considerations are summarized in figure 1. Note that now it is natural to use a more realistic structure than the one that was tentatively used in the first lecture for expository purposes.

Figure 1: compositionality and typing  

What we have done above is a kind of puzzle solving. We were given parts of the puzzle: the types for the denotations of the words Tina and tall and the type for the whole sentence. We had the structure of the sentence and sought types for the word is and the category PRED that would match the other types by allowing function application to work compositionally. Because we knew that the denotation of PRED would have to apply to an e denotation to produce a t denotation, we concluded that this category should be of type et. To generate this type, the denotation tex2html_wrap_inline613 has to apply to the et type denotation of tall and give another et function. Thus, it has to be of type (et)(et).

We should stress the relations between typing and sentence structure. For instance, the (et)(et) typing of is is motivated by the structure in figure 1, but not necessarily by different structures that might have been postulated. Suppose tentatively that we gave the sentence the implausible structure of figure 2, in which Tina and is are assumed to form a constituent. In this structure the typing of is could not have remained (et)(et): functions of this type apply to et type objects and not to e type entities. A possibility would be to change the typing of is to ee: a function from entities to entities. This would allow the denotation tex2html_wrap_inline613 to apply to tex2html_wrap_inline555 and produce an e type denotation for the category FUNNY, to which the predicate tex2html_wrap_inline601 could apply and produce a truth value.

Figure 2: a funny structure  

This simple example shows that in assigning a type to a particular expression, structural considerations play a major role: the syntactic configurations in which an expression appears often affect the semantic type we choose to assign to it.

So far, types have just put some order in things that were already done in the previous lecture. But the idea to let expressions denote typed objects is very helpful when we want to define denotations of new expressions. For instance, what does the transitive verb see denote? Consider a sentence like Tina saw Mary. Compositionally, the constituent saw Mary is going to have the type et: like intransitive predicates (e.g. tall) its denotation applies to entities to produce a truth value. Since we have decided to let Mary be of type e there is no question as for what type the verb see has to get: the type of functions from e objects to et objects. In short: e(et). Similarly, a ditransitive predicate like show, as in Tina showed Mary John denotes objects of type e(e(et)): functions from entities to functions from entities to functions from entities to truth values. It is surely convenient that we have so many types at our disposal!

Note that in the discussion above we have made two implicit assumptions:

  1. Each syntactic category has a unique type.
    For instance: since Tina and Mary are of the same syntactic category (proper name/noun phrase), they must have the same type: e.
  2. Function application is the only way to combine denotations.
    For instance: we assumed that the only way to let the constituent is tall have the type et is by assigning the type (et)(et) to the copula is. We reached this conclusion because (et)(et) is the only type with which we can get an et object after application to an et object. Of course, there might be other ways to combine denotations besides function application, in which case the conclusion would not necessarily follow.
Adopting these two assumptions puts a very strong constraint on the syntax-semantics interface. The first assumption means that once you determine the type of an expression, all expressions of the same category must have the same type. In other words: whenever we want two expressions to denote objects of a different type we must take care that the syntax can assign the two expressions different categories. Also the second principle is highly restrictive: once you determine the type (say tex2html_wrap_inline663) of one of two sisters, the other sister must either be a function over this type (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline665) or an argument of this function (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline667). Furthermore, the mother must be either of type tex2html_wrap_inline669 (in the first case) or of type tex2html_wrap_inline671 (in the latter case). These two possibilities are illustrated in figure 3.

Figure 3: possibilities with function application  

Such a strict organization of the grammar is challenging, and therefore theoretically desired: it leaves us with only a small amount of possibilities to develop syntactic theories with suitable typings of lexical items. At the present stage of semantic theory, however, it is debatable whether such a strict configuration can succeed as a linguistic program. These restrictions may be too strict for natural language, and attempts are being made to relax them in principled ways. Nevertheless; since these two constraints are simple and methodologically convenient, we will adopt them throughout the first part of this course as an illustration of the power of modeltheoretic techniques.

A note on characteristic functions: We have shown above that we can freely switch between a set denotation of a predicate like tall and the corresponding characteristic function of type et. The situation is in fact more general. Consider the transitive predicate see. Intuitively, such a predicate can be viewed as a two-place relation between entities: a subset of the cartesian product tex2html_wrap_inline675. The relation will specify which entities see which entities. For instance, in case tex2html_wrap_inline677, we can describe a situation like the one given in (1) by letting see denote the relation S in (2).

Tina saw only Mary, John didn't see anyone and Mary saw everyone (including herself).
We have proposed that see gets the type e(et). Every function like this uniquely characterizes a subset of tex2html_wrap_inline675, and vice versa. For instance, the e(et) function corresponding to S is:
The function tex2html_wrap_inline693 assigns each entity x in tex2html_wrap_inline385 a function in tex2html_wrap_inline461 that characterizes the set of entities that saw x. For instance, the VP saw Mary denotes the characteristic function of the set of entities that saw Mary, namely: tex2html_wrap_inline703. The reasoning behind this choice is that the denotation of see compositionally applies to the denotation of the object in the sentence. The resulting denotation of the VP applies to the subject denotation. Hence, the first argument of the denotation of the verb should be the object denotation. Generally, the characteristic function tex2html_wrap_inline693 of a relation S is defined by:
tex2html_wrap_inline709 iff tex2html_wrap_inline711

Note that tex2html_wrap_inline713 is itself a characteristic function. In our case, the one characterizing the set of entities that saw x. The successive application tex2html_wrap_inline717 is sometimes written in short tex2html_wrap_inline719. This switch in the intuitive order of the arguments is confusing upon first encounter. However, it is necessary if we want to be able to speak of the denotation of constituents like saw Mary: it is much more natural then to think of Mary as the first argument of the verb's denotation and not as in the intuitive relation S. After some exercising you will surely get used to this and realize that the method is completely innocuous. Moreover, the procedure we have used for moving back and forth between the intuitively convenient sets/relations and their corresponding characteristic functions is easily extended to many other useful types.


  1. Give types corresponding to the following descriptions: Describe the following types:
  2. Let tex2html_wrap_inline729. Write down all the members of tex2html_wrap_inline731, tex2html_wrap_inline733 and tex2html_wrap_inline735. Notice the difference between the last two domains.
  3. Write down all the members of tex2html_wrap_inline737. Why don't you need to know tex2html_wrap_inline385 in order to do that?
  4. Write down the characteristic functions for the following sets/relations. Assume that tex2html_wrap_inline741.
  5. For each of the following pairs of types say whether function application can operate. If it can, give the resulting type.
  6. Assume (unrealistically) that the expression ``it is not the case that'' in sentence (i) below is a constituent. What type would you give it? What would be its denotation? Give two structures as in figure 1 in the lecture notes. Show an equivalent sentence to (i) in order to support your proposal (hint: get back to lecture 1).
    It is not the case that Tina is tall.

  7. Give a binary tree structure for sentence (ii) below.
    Deduce from this structure a type for the adverb quickly.
    Describe in words the type of functions denoted by this word (as in exercise 1 above) and fill in two structures (as you were requested in exercise 6).
    What restriction on the set of functions quickly can denote can you infer from the entailment (ii)tex2html_wrap_inline767(iii)?
    Tina ran quickly.
    Tina ran.

  8. Give a type for the word very in sentence (iv) below. Give the same word a type also in (v), in consideration of your answer to exercise 7.
    You have reached a challenge for the principle of ``one type per category''. Can you think of a way to maintain the idea despite this fact? Alternatively, can you relax the restriction in a principled way?
    Tina is very tall.
    Tina ran very quickly.

  9. In figure 4 below we have left two types in the structure unspecified as X and Y. Give two possibilities to substitute types instead of X and Y so that function application can go on safely. Can you think of the relevance of this puzzle?

    Figure 4: fill in X and Y  

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Yoad Winter
Tue Sep 16 17:49:05 MET DST 1997