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Course: Modeltheoretic Semantics and the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Eddy Ruys and Yoad Winter

Lecture 1:
Basic Notions of Modeltheoretic Semantics

Topics: entailment, model, the truth-conditionality criterion, compositionality, structural ambiguity, vagueness
For the personal angle of Barbara Partee see her reflections, or in a shorter version.
Consider the sentence in (1).
Tina is tall and thin.

Any speaker of English is able to draw from this sentence the conclusion in sentence (2).
Tina is thin.

We say that the sentence in (1) entails (2), and denote it by (1)tex2html_wrap_inline294(2). The ability to draw such inferences is shared by all speakers despite the fact that words like "Tina", "tall" and "thin" may mean different things to different people in different occasions. For instance, you and I may disagree on whether Tina is thin or not. Moreover, it is also possible that we disagree on the identity of "Tina". You may think that Tina in (1) is, say, Tina Turner, and I may think that (1) speaks of Tina Charles. However, we are quite unlikely to disagree on whether (2) is a sound conclusion from (1). This uniform behaviour of entailment across speakers appears because it is a relative notion: if we are willing to accept (1) then we must accept (2) as well, as a matter of language use.

We can describe the entailment (1)tex2html_wrap_inline294(2) informally by saying that if sentence (1) is true then also (2) is true. Note that the converse does not hold: if Tina is thin but not tall then (2) is true but (1) isn't. Hence (2) does not entail (1).

What can be an explanation of these facts? This is a question that most semantic theories want to answer. In fact, many works in linguistic semantics are often concerned primarily with entailment relations and not with the more general notion of meaning. The reason is that it is not easy to define what people really mean when they talk about ``the meaning of a sentence''. Entailment, by contrast, is a relation between sentences of natural language about which speakers have in many cases solid and uniform intuitions. For this reason, we often loosely speak about the meaning of sentences, but actually refer only to their entailment potentials with respect to other sentences.

Modeltheoretic semantics tries to explain entailments by relating natural language expressions to certain abstract entities in a given structure, which is called a model. In technical terminology, we say that natural language expressions denote or refer to objects in the model. In every model there are two special entities that are called 1, or true, and 0, or false. These are the two truth values in the model. Sentences denote truth values, calculated in a way that the theory should specify. We try to explain entailment relations between sentences as relations between their possible truth values. The theory will be considered adequate only if it satisfies the following criterion.

The truth-conditionality criterion: Let sentence Stex2html_wrap_inline298 entail sentence Stex2html_wrap_inline300. Then whenever the theory takes Stex2html_wrap_inline298 to denote true, it also takes Stex2html_wrap_inline300 to denote true, and vice versa.

Modeltheoretic semantics strives to develop for sentences in natural language a truth value assignment mechanism that satisfies this criterion.

Example 1: Let us illustrate a model-theoretic account of the entailment from (1) to (2). Assume that the model includes a non-empty set E of individuals and that the word Tina denotes a certain element tina' of this set. Assume further that the words tall and thin denote two subsets of E: tall' and thin'. These three objects are arbitrary denotations: there is no restriction on what element/subset of E they may be. By contrast, the denotations of and and is are defined systematically by:

Given these assumptions, it is easy to see that the denotation of sentence (1) is true if and only if (1') holds, i.e. tina' is a member of the intersection between the sets tall' and thin'. Similarly, (2) denotes true if and only if tina' is a member of the set thin'.
tina' tex2html_wrap_inline314 tall' tex2html_wrap_inline316 thin'
tina' tex2html_wrap_inline314 thin'

As a matter of set theory, whenever (1') holds also (2') holds, independently of the choice of the object tina' or the sets tall' and thin'. Therefore, this accounts for the entailment according to the truth-conditionality criterion.

If you are familiar with philosophical or mathematical logic, all of this may sound very much alike. Indeed, the relations between linguistic semantics and traditional logic are very deep. However, there are at least two important differences between the two disciplines. First, linguistic semantics is only interested in natural languages spoken by humans. Logical semantics also concerns artificial languages like mathematical languages or computer languages. Second, logical theories, to the extent they are interested in natural language, are often only interested in what sentences in a language mean. Linguistic semantics also asks: how come sentences in human languages mean what they do? In other words: what are the relations between the sound and the form of a sentence and its meaning? There are many ways in which the sound and the form of a sentence can affect its meaning. Consequently, theories of language sounds (phonology) and language forms (syntax) are related to semantic theory in intricate ways.

In this course we concentrate on the relations between syntax and modeltheoretic semantics. Thus, we will study the question of how the structure of an expression affects the ways in which it is assigned a denotation. A principle that most versions of modeltheoretic semantics adopt is the following.

Compositionality: The denotation of an expression is determined by the denotations of its parts and the ways they combine with each other.

What compositionality means is that once we have determined the denotations of lexical items, the denotation of complex expressions is determined as a recursive procedure, defined directly on top of their syntactic structure.

Example 2: Consider how we compositionally get to the truth value of sentence (1) based on the tentative structure as given in figure 1a.

Figure 1: compositional meaning derivation  

Syntactically, this is not a very plausible structure, of course, but it is good enough to demonstrate the idea of compositionality. The denotations of the lexical items in the sentence are defined as in example 1. The denotation of the adjective phrase projecting tall and thin is determined by the denotation of its parts: the intersection function tex2html_wrap_inline320 and the sets tex2html_wrap_inline322 and tex2html_wrap_inline324. Also the denotation of the whole sentence is determined by the denotation of its parts: tex2html_wrap_inline326, tex2html_wrap_inline328 and tex2html_wrap_inline330. Given that the denotation tex2html_wrap_inline328 is the membership function, what we get is the truth value in (1').

Note a crucial aspect of this process: the denotation of a complex expression is only determined by the denotation of its parts. Given the structure in figure 1a, we cannot, for instance, define the denotation of the whole sentence directly on the basis of the denotation of the word tall. This is not one of the sentence's constituents. In order to compute the denotation of the sentence we must first compute the denotation of the complex predicate tall and thin. This hierarchical strategy is significantly restrictive: it does not tell us how exactly to derive the denotation of complex expressions, but it does tell us how this denotation cannot be derived given the syntactic structure.

A possible source of confusion is the status of formulae like (1'). Note that the formula itself is not the denotation of the sentence. The denotation of the sentence is a truth value, which is an object in the model. A formula like (1') is not a modeltheoretic object. It is only a recipe that indicates how the denotation of the sentence is defined as a function of its lexical items: for any choice of the denotations of Tina, tall and thin, (1') specifies what truth value the sentence is going to denote.

Compositionality helps in clarifying an important issue in linguistic theory: the phenomenon of structural ambiguity. Consider the following sentence:

Tina is not tall and thin.

Let us consult our intuitions with respect to the following empirical question: does (3) entail (2) or not? This is much harder to judge than in the case of the entailment (1)tex2html_wrap_inline294(2). There is however a common intuition that (3) entails (2), but only under a particular intention of the speaker. This intention can be made clear by putting a comma intonation after the word tall. By contrast, the speaker can use (3) correctly to describe a situation where Tina is not thin. For instance, if I assert (1) you may react by (3) in order to deny my assertion. As a response to my utterance of (1) you may say something like:
``Come one, you must be wrong. Tina is not tall and thin, because even though she is indeed very tall, we all know that she is terribly fat''.
Under this interpretation (3) does not entail (2) of course.

This intuition about the double nature of (3) is described by saying that (3) is an ambiguous sentence with two readings: one of them entails (2), the other does not. The striking thing about this kind of ambiguity is the ease with which it is described by all syntactic theories. Sentence (3) is analyzed as having two different syntactic structures, as roughly illustrated in figure 2.

Figure 2: structural ambiguity  

When a grammar generates in this way more than one structure for an expression we say that the expression is treated as structurally ambiguous. This syntactic ambiguity can be conceived of as an account of the semantic ambiguity in (3). However, there is a gap in this account: why does it follow that the structural ambiguity of (3) makes it also semantically ambiguous? Compositionality provides the missing link. When the two structures in figure 2 are compositionally interpreted, we immediately see that they may have two different truth values. Concretely, assume that the denotation of not in (3) is the complement function not', mapping any subset A of E to its complement set: tex2html_wrap_inline338 (the set of all the members of E that are not in A). Under this assumption, the compositional interpretation of the two structures in figure 2 is as illustrated in figure 3.

Figure 3: compositionality and ambiguity  

Whenever the truth-value derived in figure 3a is true also the truth-value assigned for (2) is true. Hence, this structure describes the reading of (3) that entails (2). By contrast, the reading derived in figure 3b does not entail (2): in case the element tex2html_wrap_inline326 is in the complement set tex2html_wrap_inline344 it is not necessarily in the set tex2html_wrap_inline324, hence in such cases (2) may be assigned the truth-value false.

We observe here an important property of compositional systems: the structure of a sentence corresponds directly to its entailment relations. Therefore, a structurally ambiguous sentence may have different truth values, hence different entailment relations, for its different structures. The entailment relations of a structure are fully specified. However, if a sentence has more than one structure, then it can happen that the entailment relations of the sentence are not fully specified, in accordance with the semantic ambiguity intuition.

It is important to distinguish the semantic-syntactic ambiguity of sentences like (3) from another type of semantic under-specification, which is called vagueness. For instance, a sentence like Tina walked does not entail the sentence Tina walked slowly. More generally, it underspecifies the manner of Tina's walk, as well as many other details about her and her walk. In practice, virtually all sentences are vague in this way, simply because we cannot expect one sentence to inform us about everything there is. In ambiguous sentences like (3) the intuition is quite different: we have the impression that (3) can entail sentence (2), but without further phonological clues it underspecifies whether this is indeed the case. In other words: the speaker can use (3) as if it entailed (2). In cases like (3) this ambiguity judgement is clear enough. However, it is often hard to judge whether sentences are ambiguous or just vague. In fact, the decision on this matter is rarely a purely pre-theoretical question and it often involves complex theoretical considerations, as we shall see later in this course.


  1. Determine the direction of the entailment between the following pairs of sentences. For the other direction show that there is no entailment by describing a situation that makes one sentence true and the other false.
    Tina is tall or thin.
    Tina is thin.

    Tina is neither tall nor thin.
    Tina is not thin.

    Mary arrived.
    Someone arrived.

    John saw less than four students.
    John saw no student.

    The ball is in the room.
    The box is in the room and the ball is in the box.

    Hillary is a blond girl.
    Hillary is a girl.

    Hillary is not a blond girl.
    Hillary is not a girl.

    Mary ran.
    Mary ran quickly.

    No tall politician is pregnant.
    Every politician is non-pregnant.

  2. Give denotations for or, neither and nor that account for the inferences you found in (i) and (ii).
  3. Two sentences are equivalent if they entail each other. For instance: the following pairs of sentences are equivalent.
    Tina is tall and thin tex2html_wrap_inline348 Tina is both tall and thin
    Tina is blond or both tall and thin tex2html_wrap_inline348 Tina is both blond or tall and blond or thin
    Give more examples for equivalent sentences.
    What does the truth-conditionality criterion require concerning equivalent sentences?
    Give a semantics for both that captures the first equivalence above and show that under the semantics you have given in exercise 2, also the second equivalence is accounted for compositionally.

  4. Two sentences are contradictory if whenever one of them denotes true the other denotes false. For instance: the sentence Mary is tall and the sentence Mary is not tall are contradictory.
    Give more examples for contradictory sentences.
    Show that under the semantics you have given in exercise 2, the sentences in (i)a and (ii)a are contradictory.

  5. The following sentences are structurally ambiguous. For each sentence give its structure and show an entailment that one reading has and the other has not.
    John is tall and thin or happy.
    The policeman saw the man with the telescope.
    I read that Mary published an article in the newspaper.

    For sentence (i), show how your definition of or from exercise 2 accounts for the difference with respect to the entailment you have given.
    Explain why the sentences in (iv), by contrast to (i), are unambiguous.
    John is either tall and thin or happy.
    John is tall and either thin or happy.

  6. Find a structurally ambiguous sentence with two equivalent readings. Discuss the implications of this example for the notion of structural ambiguity: should an adequate grammar generate two structures also in cases like that?
  7. Consider the entailment John is sick tex2html_wrap_inline294 John is unhealthy. Why can't the kind of explanation presented in class account for this entailment as well? Give more examples of this sort. Try to think of an addition to the theory that can account for such entailments.
  8. Semantic ambiguity is classified as lexical ambiguity when it arises due to different readings of one lexical item. For instance, the sentence John went to the bank is ambiguous because the word bank can either mean ``a saving institution'' or ``the side of a river''. Consider now the following sentence:
    Mary claims that John saw her duck.

    Explain how the lexical ambiguity of duck affects structural ambiguity in this case.
  9. Chierchia and McConnell-Ginet contend that `` judgements about entailment relations can be defended and supported by evidence'' (p.20, third paragraph). Is it possible to maintain that there are pre-theoretical judgements about entailment, and yet argue that these data can be ``defended and supported'' by further evidence? What does it mean to ``support'' data (under your favorite philosophy of science)?

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Yoad Winter
Fri Sep 5 13:46:28 MET DST 1997